Partners - specialist dealers - associations...
Here you can find an overview of our dealers, partners and other interesting links.
Specialist dealers Germany
DEG roof-facade-wood eG -
Roofer purchasing Nordwest eG -
Roofer purchasing Rhein-Main eG -
Roofer purchasing Süd eG -
Roofer purchasing Ost eG -
GC - Gruppe -
Businessman Ulm Spenglereibedarf GmbH -
J.N. Kreiller KG, Traunstein -
Mainmetall -
Melle roofing materials GmbH -
Pfeiffer & May Gruppe -
Seidlereisen GmbH Berlin-Kreuzberg -
Südmetall GmbH, Munich -
Spengler Direct, Furth -
Erich Weit GmbH -
Specialist dealers abroad
Industrial partners
Rheinzink Manfacturer of zinc roofing material -
Wurzer - manufacturer of trapezoidal profiles -
Roma manufacturer of sandwich roof elements -
RibRoof Manufacturer of industrially prefabricated standing seam profiles -
Kalzip manufacturer of industrially prefabricated standing seam profiles -
Intersoh disposal service provider -
BEMO - Manufacturer of industrially prefabricated standing seam profiles -
KME manufacturer of copper roofing material -
VMZinc manufacturer of zinc roofing material -
Fischer manufacturer of trapezoidal profiles and prefabricated standing seam profiles -
manufacture and marketing of individual steel halls in system construction
Metal quotations
Professional Magazines
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